March 6, 2025

Jerrod Febre

Eco Friendly Car Tech

Charging Electric Vehicles: A State By State Guide To Charging Your EV In 2018


If you’re thinking about buying an electric vehicle (EV), you may have questions about charging infrastructure. How can I charge my car? Where should I charge it? Are there any laws or regulations that affect my ability to drive around with an EV? The good news is that the number of electric cars on the road is growing exponentially. This means that more charging stations are popping up all over, but there’s still a long way to go until most drivers can rely exclusively on EVs for their daily commutes. In this article, we’ll cover how each state stacks up when it comes to EV charging options and why some states are better than others for driving electric cars.

The EV market is growing, but charging infrastructure has not kept up.

While the EV market is growing, it has not kept up with the number of vehicles on the road. This means that there are still many places where you cannot get a charge. If you’re planning to buy an electric car, be sure to check out our guide to charging stations in your area and make sure that they’re available before purchasing your vehicle!

Each state has its own set of regulations for EV charging.

In 2018, the United States is home to more than 180 EV charging stations. This number has grown exponentially since 2010 when there were just over 1,000 public charging stations in all 50 states.

However, this growth has not kept up with consumer demand for EVs and their corresponding infrastructure needs. As a result, many drivers may find themselves stranded while traveling because they cannot refuel at any available station–or they find themselves waiting in long lines at busy locations such as malls or airports where multiple cars are vying for access to power sources (and each other).

Arizona is one of the most popular states for EV drivers.

Arizona is one of the most popular states for EV drivers. The state has the second highest number of electric vehicles per capita in the country, and it also boasts a large network of charging stations. There are many different types of charging stations–including fast chargers, level 2 chargers, and free charging–so it can be difficult to know which ones are available to you. If you’re thinking about buying an electric car or upgrading your current vehicle with an electric motor (like Tesla’s new Model 3), check out this guide on where and how to charge your car in Arizona!

California has the best charging infrastructure in the country.

As the most populous state in the country, California has a lot of people. And with so many people comes a lot of cars–and electric cars at that. The state has the highest number of EVs per capita in America, which means that if you want to drive an EV in California, there are plenty of charging stations available to you.

California also tops all other states when it comes to charging station density: There are more than 3 times as many CHAdeMO chargers (which use DC power) per vehicle than any other state; 2x as many Level 2 chargers (AC power); and 1/3 as much Fast Charging infrastructure when compared with second place Oregon.

Delaware and Hawaii have some of the worst charging infrastructure in the country.

Delaware and Hawaii are two of the worst states for EV charging infrastructure. The number of charging stations per capita in these states is some of the lowest in the country.

In Delaware, there are less than 1 charging station per 100,000 people (0.08 to be exact). Meanwhile in Hawaii, there’s an average of 0.3 public chargers per 50k residents–that’s almost half a charger per state!

The states also happen to be among those with no incentives for EV charging stations (though Delaware does offer tax credits on electric vehicle purchases).

Florida is one of the fastest growing states in terms of EV ownership and charging adoption.

Florida is one of the fastest growing states in terms of EV ownership and charging adoption. With a population of nearly 20 million people, it has a lot of electric car options to choose from. But when it comes to actually finding places to charge those cars up, things get a little more complicated.

Florida currently has about 1,000 public charging stations–the third most in America after California and Texas–but only about half of them are fast enough for Tesla drivers (who use Level 2 chargers) or Nissan Leaf owners (who rely on Level 3). That leaves plenty of room for growth as more manufacturers release new models geared toward urban dwellers who don’t want to own an ICE vehicle any longer than they have too while still needing something practical enough that takes care of everyday tasks like commuting back-and-forth between work during rush hour traffic jams without burning too much gas along the way.”

Idaho has a lot of electric car options, but few places to charge them up.

Idaho has a lot of electric car options, but few places to charge them up.

The state has been one of the fastest growing states in terms of EV ownership and charging adoption. However, its charging infrastructure is not keeping up with demand.

Illinois is beginning to catch up with other states when it comes to charging infrastructure investment.

Illinois is beginning to catch up with other states when it comes to charging infrastructure investment. With more than 1,500 public charging stations and hundreds of additional private ones, Illinois has one of the largest electric vehicle charging networks in the country. The state is also making significant investments in EV charging infrastructure:

  • In 2017, Illinois passed legislation requiring all new homes built after January 1st 2020 to have at least one Level 2 or above electric vehicle charger installed. This will make it easier for people who live in multi-family dwellings like condos or apartment buildings that share garages with other residents (who may not want an EV) by providing them with access points where they can charge up at home without having to hunt down a public station nearby first.
  • Also last year was awarded $2 million from DOE’s Smart Grid Investment Grant program which helped fund two large projects – one along Route 66 between Chicago and St Louis ($1 million) and another project called Charge Across Illinois ($1 million). These projects aim at increasing awareness around EVs through education programs while creating opportunities for businesses looking into installing chargers themselves so they don’t get left behind when consumers start buying EVs en masse again once gas prices rise again as predicted by many experts including ourselves here at Plugless Power Incorporated!

Indiana offers incentives for installing chargers at home or work.

Indiana offers incentives for installing chargers at home or work, including:

  • Tax credits for businesses that install commercial charging stations.
  • Rebates for residential charging stations.
  • Incentives for EV owners who install home-based charging equipment, such as a 240 volt outlet or electric car charger.

The future looks bright for electric vehicle adoption

It’s clear that the future of electric vehicle adoption looks bright. As more people purchase electric vehicles and charging stations become more common, it will be easier than ever to go green. The convenience of being able to charge your car at home or on the go will only increase as time goes on and more charging stations pop up across the country.

Electric vehicles are becoming more affordable, too–there are now several models available under $30K (and some even less). If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly way to get around town without breaking the bank, consider buying an EV!


If you’re looking to buy an EV, consider the state where you live and work. If it doesn’t have a lot of charging stations available, there are still ways around that problem. You can install your own charger at home or work, use public charging stations when needed (which are becoming more common), or even join a car sharing program like Zipcar so that someone else will do the driving while you relax!